On Tour with virtuoso Alexandre Da Costa

Alexandre Da Costa et La Musique du Royal 22e Régiment , Capitaine Christian Richer  (photo credit: Sgt P. Gouin – MR22eR)

La Musique du Royal 22e Régiment and violin virtuoso Alexandre Da Costa have shared the stage at “Festival classique des Hautes-Laurentides” on 22 July , and “Festival de Lanaudière” on 24 July 2016 !

What seemed to be at first, a very unusual instrumentation for a solo violin accompaniment, just turned out to be a fantastic idea !  With an obvious complicity between the soloist and the talented musicians of the Royal 22e Régiment Band, this challenging musical program really pleased everyone.  M. Da Costa and the musicians have received standing-ovations by a delighted crowd who wasn’t shy about requesting encores even before the mid-concert intermission.  Beautiful days, wonderful music, may this be only the beginning of a very long and great friendship !

#AlexandreDaCosta #MR22eR #MusiqueR22eR #FestivalDeLanaudiere #FestivalClassiqueDesHautesLaurentides #KindredSpirits

Alexandre Da Costa et La Musique du Royal 22e Régiment , Capitaine Christian Richer (photo credit : Alexandre Da Costa)
Alexandre Da Costa et La Musique du Royal 22e Régiment , Capitaine Christian Richer (photo credit: Sgt P. Gouin – MR22eR)


Alexandre Da Costa et La Musique du Royal 22e Régiment , Capitaine Christian Richer (photo credit: Sgt J. Auger – MR22eR)

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